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Category: Education & Teachers

Key Elements of a Comprehensive Attendance Sheet

Attendance sheet is necessary part of professional and educational organizations to keep the record of attendees. In educational institutes, the attendance sheet is used for both students and teachers while in business organizations the attendance sheet is necessary to track the record of employees’ incoming and outgoing. Attendance sheet is also designed for formal and informal meetings to have valid record of meeting attendees. Every organization has different hierarchical structure therefore there is no standard format for attendance sheet. The format of attendance sheet can differ but the key elements of comprehensive attendance sheet are almost similar. Today I will share key elements of a comprehensive attendance sheet to help you to prepare a standard attendance sheet:

Layout of Attendance Sheet

Attendance sheet is usually designed in word or excel sheet because it contains lots of columns according to the days of month. Attendance sheet is designed in form of table to state name of employees and time of their incoming and outgoing. Some attendance sheets also feature some space with the name of employee for additional notes.

Contents of Attendance Sheet

Comprehensive attendance sheet should contain following contents:

Name of Organization

Attendance sheet contains name of the organization at the top of attendance sheet. This portion also contain logo of the organization and specification of attendance sheet either weekly attendance sheet or monthly attendance sheet. Name of the organization on attendance sheet is a necessary part of it because in case of any law suits from employees this sheet will serve as legal prove for you.

Name of Employees

Some attendance sheets contain printed name of employees and some sheets only provide space for the name of employee so that he/she can write his/her name and do a sign on it. In case of educational institutes, the teachers are provided with blank sheet to input name of students manually while business organizations provide printed sheets.

Time, Date and Day

Time, date and day all are important elements of attendance sheet because it creates convenience for human resource personnel to take record of absentees of employees and time of his/her arrival to the office. It is necessary to have this record otherwise employees will make it habit to come late to the office.

Task Description

If the attendance sheet is being prepared for meeting then it is necessary to write task description opposite to the name of all employees. It serves as reminder to employees. You can add this section to the other attendance sheets also and note important works of the day so that the employee cannot give an excuse of forgetfulness.

Foot Note

It is optional part of attendance sheet and in this part you can mention any details about the absentees of employees, late arrival or any other essential information. This part can be beneficial for the performance appraisal of employees.

Signature of Human Resource Manager

At the end of each day it is necessary to get signature of human resource manager to the attendance sheet to increase its authenticity.

Here is another useful Attendance Sheet Template that you can download to start creating your own worksheet.

Lesson Plan Template

Planning is the essence of success in every field same is true for teaching as it is a vital process it needs to have dynamic planning that improves the quality and level of success. Lesson plan plays a vital role in enhancement of quality as it take account of all steps important for effective teaching.  Having a lesson plan is as one step backward two step forward approach; though it might be difficult and call for a lot of exertion to bring about at first but it facilitates you to great extent for saving time in future because of reusability of these plans but updating is necessary. Lesson planning helps in good management of time. It makes available a bird’s eye view of all the contents that to be taught and techniques to apply with.  It enables a teacher being dynamic in teaching process avoiding monotony and redundancy which attracts the intentions of pupils towards lesson being taught. Use of lesson plan enables teachers to know the proper time to insert an icebreaker and any interesting fact to revitalize students and glue them to their lesson.

 A well planned teacher can achieve his teaching goals successfully; it makes available the facility to amend your plan accordingly which helps you to keep the students stuck to the topic.  It helps to check out your mistakes and to avoid problems in teaching process. It enables you to make best use of your skills in dealing with children and teenager with raw talents, awareness and intelligence; lesson plan assists to cultivate learning in pupils. Well planned teacher has more skills to meet with the difficult situations faced in classrooms not only about the syllabus but also about behavior of apprentices. Teaching method adopted by teacher is inessential part of plan that is ready to lend a hand to apply best techniques for good learning. While writing a lesson plan you write alternative methods to be adopted in class which helps to maintain good and interesting atmosphere in classroom that facilitates to achieve learning objectives. It gives a smooth progress in lecture and assists to establish a good relation with students that is of great importance in teaching learning process.

Lesson plan formalizes the course of action suited for teacher in classroom; it channelized teacher’s energy in planning, implementation and setting goals to achieve. It bestows a teacher with variety of techniques and opportunities to apply in classroom for getting desired targets. Lesson plan is a reflection of teacher’s endeavor and diligence to make teaching effective. It’s a key factor in implementation of new curriculums successfully, as evaluation is a key component of lesson plan which offers reviewing of methods, knowledge, techniques and activities used along with assessment of students’ learning. It is adequate for experienced teachers to have a combination of design of work and a weekly synopsis to foundation of valuable learning and evaluation. In conjunction with all this it has sound basis that staff are compelled to pursue the guidelines provided by organization.

Here is download link,

Download Lesson Plan Template